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  1. "Mind Over Medicine, Hypnosis as an Alternative to Sedation is Making a Comeback in the Operating Room" Time, March 27, 2006

  2. "This is Your Brain Under Hypnosis" New York Times, Nov. 22, 2005

  3. "There's Entrancing News about Hypnosis. It's Gaining Credibility as a Treatment for a Multitude of Troubles, from Nicotine Addiction to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" Business Week, February 2, 2005

  4. "Debra Messing Calls on Hypnosis to Help Her with Underwater Scenes", Oct. 21, 2005

  5. "Black Eyed Peas Singer Fergie Goes Hypnotic", Sept. 12, 2005

  6. "Martha Stewart Stamps Out Night Terrors with Hypnosis", March 24, 2005

  7. "Hypnosis Heals", Harvard Magazine, November-December 2005

  8. "Altered States: Hypnosis Goes Mainstream", Wall Street Journal, October 7, 2003

  9. "Intensive Therapy: Utilizing Hypnosis in the Treatment of Substance Abuse Disorders", July 2004."

  10. "Hypnosis Can Help Diabetics", September 15, 2005